Debug connection performance with curl
Posted by danielFeb 11
Curl – network performance stats
Curl is a tool commonly used with transferring data from or to a client/server. Its portability has allowed it to present in most OS installations by default, and thus making as a standard tool for troubleshooting and debugging network or server connectivity issues.
Here you will see some Curl features to gather network connectivity performance metrics, all exposed with -w flag.
-w, --write-out <format>
Make curl display information on stdout after a completed transfer.
The time, in seconds, it took from the start until the name resolving was completed.
The time, in seconds, it took from the start until the TCP connect to the remote host (or proxy) was completed.
The time, in seconds, it took from the start until the file transfer was just about to begin.
The time, in seconds, it took from the start until the first byte was just about to be transferred.
The total time, in seconds, that the full operation lasted.
With the above 5 options, we can get a decent amount of information on the culprit for network issue. Is it DNS resolution delay? Or delay in TCP 3 way handshake? etc
On first run –
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | $ curl -s -w '\nLookup time:\t%{time_namelookup}\nConnect time:\t%{time_connect}\nPreXfer time:\t%{time_pretransfer}\nStartXfer time:\t%{time_starttransfer}\n\nTotal time:\t%{time_total}\n' -o /dev/null https: //www Lookup time : 0.062836 Connect time : 0.078382 PreXfer time : 0.123689 StartXfer time : 0.155934 Total time : 0.182570 |
Second run –
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | $ curl -s -w '\nLookup time:\t%{time_namelookup}\nConnect time:\t%{time_connect}\nPreXfer time:\t%{time_pretransfer}\nStartXfer time:\t%{time_starttransfer}\n\nTotal time:\t%{time_total}\n' -o /dev/null https: //www Lookup time : 0.022473 Connect time : 0.036173 PreXfer time : 0.087416 StartXfer time : 0.134248 Total time : 0.171503 |
On second run, the dns look up time is lower, as it is coming from cache. Let us flush dns cache –
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | $ sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches $ curl -s -w '\nLookup time:\t%{time_namelookup}\nConnect time:\t%{time_connect}\nPreXfer time:\t%{time_pretransfer}\nStartXfer time:\t%{time_starttransfer}\n\nTotal time:\t%{time_total}\n' -o /dev/null https: //www Lookup time : 0.072109 Connect time : 0.086815 PreXfer time : 0.141417 StartXfer time : 0.185936 Total time : 0.227121 |
As expected the look up time is higher posed dns cache clear.
Additional information
You can get additional information by reading the manual pages for curl or even use curl to get information about curl –
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | $ curl /curl cheat.sheets:curl # curl # Command-line tool for transferring data with URL syntax # Process a single GET request, and show its output on stdout. curl http: //path .to.the /file # Download a file and specify a new filename. curl http: //example .com /file .zip -o # Download multiple files. curl -O URLOfFirstFile -O URLOfSecondFile # Download all sequentially-numbered files (1-24). curl http: //example .com /pic [1-24].jpg # Download a file and follow redirects. curl -L http: //example .com /file .... |
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