Archive for January 4th, 2017

When will the SSL certificate for a site expire or in how many days will an SSL certificate expire?

If you are a system administrator, at least once in your career you might have worked with managing SSL certificates as well as making sure that SSL certificates are renewed before they expire. I have seen Linux admins using Nagios to monitor SSL certificates and get notified a few days before expiry and in some cases admins setup a cron job which polls the sites to be monitored and send out an email if any of the certs for a site are going to expire soon.

Googling for information on how to check SSL certificate expiration for a site might return results like this one on openssl s_client.

My favorite tool for getting certificate expiry is the Nagios plugin utility – check_http. The check_http script displays the exact date/time the SSL certificate for a given site expires as well as how many days are left before expiry.

Installation –

apt-get install nagios-plugins
yum install nagios-plugins-all

In my system, the plugins were installed under /usr/lib/nagios/plugins directory –

root@linubuvma:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins# cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS \n \l

root@linubuvma:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins# pwd

root@linubuvma:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins# ls
check_apt      check_dbi       check_dns       check_host       check_ifoperstatus  check_ldap   check_mrtg         check_nntp      check_ntp_time  check_ping   check_rta_multi  check_spop   check_time   negate
check_breeze   check_dhcp      check_dummy     check_hpjd       check_ifstatus      check_ldaps  check_mrtgtraf     check_nntps     check_nwstat    check_pop    check_sensors    check_ssh    check_udp    urlize
check_by_ssh   check_dig       check_file_age  check_http       check_imap          check_load   check_mysql        check_nt        check_oracle    check_procs  check_simap      check_ssmtp  check_ups
check_clamd    check_disk      check_flexlm    check_icmp       check_ircd          check_log    check_mysql_query  check_ntp       check_overcr    check_real   check_smtp       check_swap   check_users
check_cluster  check_disk_smb  check_ftp       check_ide_smart  check_jabber        check_mailq  check_nagios       check_ntp_peer  check_pgsql     check_rpc    check_snmp       check_tcp    check_wave

How to get the expiry information?

The -C option of check_http is what we are looking for. The help page for check_http explains the -C option as below –

-C, --certificate=INTEGER
Minimum number of days a certificate has to be valid. Port defaults to 443
(when this option is used the URL is not checked.)

Let us test it if any of the sites below have certificates which expire in the coming 30 days –

root@linubuvma:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins# ./check_http -t 60 -H -C 30
OK - Certificate '' will expire on 10/30/2017 23:59.

root@linubuvma:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins# ./check_http -t 60 -H -C 30
OK - Certificate '' will expire on 03/09/2017 13:34.

root@linubuvma:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins# ./check_http -t 60 -H -C 30
OK - Certificate '' will expire on 08/12/2017 03:01.

In order for check_http to show us how many days are left before the SSL certificate expires, we give it a much longer number of days (-C) –

root@linubuvma:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins# ./check_http -t 60 -H -C 1000
WARNING - Certificate '' expires in 298 day(s) (10/30/2017 23:59).

root@linubuvma:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins# ./check_http -t 60 -H -C 1000
WARNING - Certificate '' expires in 63 day(s) (03/09/2017 13:34).

root@linubuvma:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins# ./check_http -t 60 -H -C 1000
WARNING - Certificate '' expires in 219 day(s) (08/12/2017 03:01).

If the output doesn’t show the number of days left or the status is ‘OK’, keep on increasing the number of days. The ‘-t’ option is the connection timeout in seconds. In addition to running it interactively, check_http is very useful for scripting as well as automated monitoring.

yum : show all yum directives

yum – dump all yum repos configuration directives

Per the man page, the yum-config-manager is “a program that can manage main yum configuration options, toggle which repositories are enabled or disabled, and add new repositories.” The details on how to use the command is in the Official Redhat documentation.

One feature that the man page does not list is how you can use the yum-config-manager to display the yum repo configuration sections/directives and options. Not only can you use it to just show the configuration in your system, but it can also help you with displaying all the options supported by yum configuration. It might be useful for scripting as well.

Installation – identify the package name:

yum whatprovides */yum-config-manager

Install package –

yum install yum-utils

Once the package is installed, the command yum-config-manager should be available –

[root@kauai /tmp]# which yum-config-manager

Running yum-config-manager will dump a list of all repositories in the server, and for each repository it will list all directives, including the hidden ones.

Below is just a the truncated version of the output, the output is much more longer depending on the number of yum repositories in your system –

[root@kauai /tmp]# yum-config-manager
===================================== main =====================================
alwaysprompt = True
assumeno = False
assumeyes = False
bandwidth = 0
bugtracker_url =
cache = 0
cachedir = /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6
clean_requirements_on_remove = False
color = auto
color_list_available_downgrade = dim,cyan
color_list_available_install = normal
color_list_available_reinstall = bold,underline,green
color_list_available_upgrade = bold,blue
color_list_installed_extra = bold,red
color_list_installed_newer = bold,yellow
color_list_installed_older = bold
color_list_installed_reinstall = normal
color_search_match = bold
color_update_installed = normal
color_update_local = bold
color_update_remote = normal
commands = 
debuglevel = 2
depsolve_loop_limit = 100
diskspacecheck = True
distroverpkg = centos-release
downloaddir = 
downloadonly = 
enable_group_conditionals = True
enabled = True
enablegroups = True
errorlevel = 2
exactarch = True
exactarchlist = 
exclude = 
exit_on_lock = False
failovermethod = priority
ftp_disable_epsv = False
gaftonmode = False
gpgcheck = True
group_package_types = mandatory,
groupremove_leaf_only = False
history_list_view = users
history_record = True
history_record_packages = yum,
http_caching = all
installonly_limit = 5
installonlypkgs = kernel,
installroot = /
keepalive = True
keepcache = False
kernelpkgnames = kernel,
loadts_ignoremissing = False
loadts_ignorerpm = False
localpkg_gpgcheck = False
logfile = /var/log/yum.log
mdpolicy = group:primary
metadata_expire = 21600
mirrorlist_expire = 86400
multilib_policy = best
obsoletes = True
overwrite_groups = False
password = 
persistdir = /var/lib/yum
pluginconfpath = /etc/yum/pluginconf.d
pluginpath = /usr/share/yum-plugins,
plugins = True
progess_obj = 
protected_multilib = True
protected_packages = yum
proxy = False
proxy_password = 
proxy_username = 
query_install_excludes = False
recent = 7
recheck_installed_requires = True
repo_gpgcheck = False
reposdir = /etc/yum/repos.d,
reset_nice = True
retries = 10
rpm_check_debug = True
rpmverbosity = info
showdupesfromrepos = False
skip_broken = False
ssl_check_cert_permissions = True
sslcacert = 
sslclientcert = 
sslclientkey = 
sslverify = True
syslog_device = /dev/log
syslog_facility = LOG_USER
syslog_ident = 
throttle = 0
timeout = 30.0
tolerant = True
tsflags = 
username = 
================================== repo: base ==================================
bandwidth = 0
base_persistdir = /var/lib/yum/repos/x86_64/6
baseurl = 
cache = 0
cachedir = /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/base
cost = 1000
enabled = True
enablegroups = True
exclude = 
failovermethod = priority
ftp_disable_epsv = False
gpgcadir = /var/lib/yum/repos/x86_64/6/base/gpgcadir
gpgcakey = 
gpgcheck = True
gpgdir = /var/lib/yum/repos/x86_64/6/base/gpgdir
gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6
hdrdir = /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/base/headers
http_caching = all
includepkgs = 
keepalive = True
mdpolicy = group:primary
mediaid = 
metadata_expire = 21600
metalink = 
mirrorlist =
mirrorlist_expire = 86400
name = CentOS-6 - Base
old_base_cache_dir = 
password = 
persistdir = /var/lib/yum/repos/x86_64/6/base
pkgdir = /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/base/packages
proxy = False
proxy_dict = 
proxy_password = 
proxy_username = 
repo_gpgcheck = False
retries = 10
skip_if_unavailable = False
ssl_check_cert_permissions = True
sslcacert = 
sslclientcert = 
sslclientkey = 
sslverify = True
throttle = 0
timeout = 30.0
username = 

References –

Redhat official documentation